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Why Do So Many Internet Startups Fail Today?

Everyday out there in the real brick and mortar world, millions and millions of people drag themselves from the warm, warm beds, take a shower, grab a cup of coffee, and head off to their jobs as they are thinking that there has got to be an easier way to make a living. Every one of those millions and millions of people knows somebody who has quit the ‘get-up-and-go-to-work’ grind and is making a very good living by working on their personal computers from the comfort of their own homes. Working from home sounds like an ideal solution to them. Many of these dissatisfied souls will quit their jobs and plunge head-first into internet marketing with no preparation, no knowledge of what they are doing, no education, and no hope of success. Failure is their only option and they don’t even suspect. The fact is that according to many sources, more than 90% (Ninety percent) of all Internet business start-ups end in failure within the first 120 (one hundred twenty) days. Yes, you read that right. NINETY PERCENT! This failure rate should be a warning to those who are considering trying their hand at making a go of working on the Internet rather than at a job in the brick and mortar world. Of course, success is possible. There IS that other 10% (ten percent) that do succeed. The thing is success doesn’t happen by accident. And success isn’t just a crap shoot. Success happens because of some very important factors. Success happens because people have the right ideas about internet marketing and how it works. They do not expect to get rich quick or be able to make a killing over night and retire to a tropical isle. It is strange but some how the same people who wouldn’t dream of starting a real world business, think they can make a go of an internet business even though they have no business background. People will go into an internet business with the idea that they no longer have to get up and go to work. They think they can simply work when the feel like it and still make a good living. They simply do not expect to have to work hard or work long hours.

Wrong Perceptions about the Internet

The 90% failure rate of new Internet businesses really isn’t all that surprising when you stop to think about the people who are starting internet businesses. For some unknown reason most people think that running a successful internet business is as easy as getting a website built and hanging out an ‘open for business’ sign. They couldn’t be more wrong. Running a successful internet business of any kind requires self-discipline. People will start an internet business and think that they can party all night, sleep until noon and then make a living in 3 or 4 hours sitting in front of a computer. They some how think that the world is just going to line up on their website and hand over money. It isn’t going to happen. Internet businesses do not run on auto-pilot. It is true that well established internet marketing gurus do not have to put in long, tedious hours on their businesses but it is a privilege that that has been earned by putting in a lot of long and tedious hours. It didn’t happen overnight for them and it won’t happen over night for anybody. Most people are totally unprepared for the time investment that must be made in order for an internet business to become successful.

No Business Background

All businesses have two things in common. They are BUSINESSES and they must be run like businesses! The people who are in charge of a business need to understand the accepted practices of business.
They need to understand simple and basic ideas like acceptable over-head expenses in relation to projected income. Internet entrepreneurs need to understand profit and loss and what constitutes each. A college degree in business in not essential for an internet business entrepreneur go be successful but it sure wouldn’t hurt. Just some basic business knowledge is absolutely vital. If you have a hard time balancing your personal check book, you probably should keep your day job and forget about starting an internet business.
It is true that you can hire accounting firms that will tell you WHEN you must make tax deposits, for example, but these firms will not be able to tell you IF you need to make them. Accounting firms can tell you whether or not you made a profit but not how to make it. If you have no business background you need to, at the very minimum, get some good business advice before you even consider opening an online business.
The fact is that all successful businesses operate on sound business principles. Successful businesses aren’t accidents. The proof is in the numbers....only 10% of new internet businesses are successful or are even still in existence after the first 120 days of operation. It is not even reasonable to expect to make a profit from a new business enterprise for many, many months. You must have sufficient resources available to not only launch your business but provide for your own personal needs for an extended period of time. It’s called ‘capital’ and there is no way around the need for enough of it.

The Right Mindset Just Isn’t There!

You have most likely heard the phrase, ‘He has an attitude!” This is usually a derogatory remark made about a person with a disagreeable attitude. But the word ‘attitude’ is an important one when discussing internet marketing start-ups. A good attitude...a good mind set can’t insure success but a bad attitude and a bad mind set can certainly guarantee failure. Here are some wrong attitudes that will absolutely guarantee failure:
  1. I can work when I want to. Wrong, wrong, wrong! You can’t just work when you feel like it. You have to expect to put in many long and very tedious hours of very hard work to make a new internet enterprise succeed.
  2. I can get rich quick! You couldn’t be more wrong and you are not only wrong but you are putting yourself in danger as well. There are bazillions of crooks out there on the internet who are waiting for their next easy mark and if you are looking for a quick way to get rich, you ARE the next mark. It is possible to make a very comfortable living with internet marketing enterprises but if anybody ever tells you it is quick or easy, they are lying to you.
  3. I don’t need a business plan. There you are...wrong yet again. Internet business is still business. All of the same business principles apply to online business as apply to brick and mortar business. It is imperative that you have a plan for success that is based upon these sound business principles.
  4. When you have an internet business of your own, you don’t have a boss. Wrong again! You are your boss. If you aren’t a good boss who sees to it that work is accomplished on time and in full, you will doom yourself to certain failure. Unless you are a boss who sets up a working schedule and establishes goals that must be met, you will find yourself working at a job under a boss who does do those things and maybe for minimum wage.

How You Can Avoid Joining the Failing Masses

The thing about starting a business...any business.....is that there is no guarantee of success under any circumstances. Even big international businesses can fail at new business ventures. Failure is always an option but the possibility of success can be optimized.
You can optimize the possibility of success by:
  1. Having a good solid business plan in place BEFORE you launch your online business. There is an old saying: “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail”. A detailed set of plans for success needs to be made. You need to have the steps from getting from point A to point B listed in great detail that include realistic cost estimates for accomplishing each step.
  2. Expecting to work very hard to accomplish your goals. You must never expect anything to be easy. You will be right most of the time because things are rarely as easy as they look. Each step toward success requires work, time and patience. Sometimes things don’t work out right on the first try. You have to be willing to try again and again until you do succeed.
  3. Not falling for ‘get-rich-quick schemes. The internet woods are full of those who prey upon those who are looking for quick and easy ways to become rich. Those ways do not exist. Get over thinking that there is an easy way. There is NOT. Remember those statistics! Ninety percent of all new internet businesses fail in the first 120 days. You don’t have to be part of that majority. You can become a part of that 10% minority of successful internet business enterprises.

The Cornerstones of Successful Internet Entrepreneurship

Running a successful internet business can look so simple when you are on the outside looking in. You look at a successful internet entrepreneur and he doesn’t look like he is doing anything special but he is living the good life. It really doesn’t look like he is working all that hard. He seems to be enjoying life immensely.
Really...all he is doing is sitting comfortably in front of his own computer in his own very comfortable home a few hours a day. He talks on the telephone and seems to be enjoying every conversation.
Apparently, running a successful internet business is the proverbial ‘piece of cake’! Right? WRONG!!! Wrong, wrong, wrong! You are looking at the results of a very, very long and tedious process that consisted of many very long, late-night hours and a lot of blood, sweat and tears over a period of several years. This successful internet entrepreneur worked very, very hard for the success that you are looking at. It is more than a little bit likely that he first placed four corner stones first as he began the long process of building his successful Internet business. Those four corner stones upon which he built his success are:
  1. The right mind set.
  2. Recognizing and using leverage.
  3. Building a set of useful contacts.
  4. And he probably had a mentor.
We will discuss these four corner stones that must be laid down first so that a successful internet business can be constructed. All of them are important, even crucial to the success of any business but especially to the success of an internet based business. Constructing a successful business in cyber space has many things in common with the building of a successful brick and mortar business but there are significant differences as well.

Having the Right, Healthy Mindset

The success of any business both of the online variety as well as the off line variety require the right mindset from the get-go. A right and healthy mind set will not guarantee success but a wrong and unhealthy or unrealistic mindset will most assuredly guarantee failure. So the right mind set is the first corner stone that must be laid upon which a successful business can be constructed. What is a right and healthy mindset? There are things that it is as well as things that it isn’t. A right and healthy mindset IS the willingness to work as hard and as long as is necessary to achieve the goals that has been set. A right and healthy mindset ISN’T the belief that success will be easy, quick or painless. Those who believe that they can make an internet business enterprise thrive without having to actually put in any time or effort are simply doomed to failure from the beginning. There are schemers and scammers out there in cyberspace that are just waiting eagerly for those to come along who are looking for easy riches. A right and healthy mindset IS the willingness to take the time to make a good, solid business plan that is based upon sound business principles.
A right and healthy mindset ISN’T just jumping in feet first and hoping for the best. The best that can happen under those circumstances is that you get out with anymore than two cents to your name. ‘Flying by the seat of your pants’ is NOT a plan...it is just plain suicide in the world of internet marketing. If you don’t have a formal education in business, you need to find people who do have that kind of education and seek then follow their advice.

Recognizing and Using Leverage

There are dozens...maybe hundreds....of business models out there. Some are, of course, more successful than others but they all come with their own set of pros and cons. The idea is to get the most bang for the buck. You need to use all of the power of the Internet to make your e-business successful. You really cannot afford to leave any stone unturned. If you are a real go-getter, the temptation is to do everything first and that isn’t possible. You need to make a realistic plan and build one thing upon another until you have a good solid base from which to operate.
Once you get a website built, you will need to begin leveraging SEO (search engine optimization) and gaining page rank. One thing does lead to another, of course, but one of the quickest ways to
leverage SEO is to add a blog to your website. This is a way that you can get much more quickly indexed by the search engines. Leveraging also includes branding yourself, your website and your products. One of the quicker ways to begin to get yourself branded is by investing in PLR (Private Label Rights) products and changing the names of those products to include your own name or logo. (Don’t forget that there must be some rewriting done.)
This is probably the quickest way to become branded as well as gain credibility on the internet.

It Is Not What You Know, But Who You Know

That is an old saying. “It is not What you know, but Who you know that counts”. Setting a corner stone of good solid relationships is an important aspect of building a successful e-enterprise. Working hard at building good solid business relationships is worth every minute of time that you invest in it. Business relationship building should be one of your top priorities. When you build social relationships, you insert yourself into social situations where you come in contact with people who have interests that are similar to or complimentary to your own interests don’t you?
That is precisely the same way that business relationships are established. You insert yourself into business situations where you will meet others who have businesses that are similar to or complimentary to your own business. You develop relationships over a period of time. There are several ways in which to accomplish this task. One way is to participate in teleseminars or webinars that are related to your business. You will learn a lot, of course, but equally important, you will come in contact with those who are already succeeding in the niche market that you are working in. Of course, attending real brick and mortar world seminars is an even better way to begin to build friendly business relationships with not only your peers but also with those who are in a position to help you....which brings me to the final corner stone that you need to lay.

Find a Capable Mentor

It isn’t likely that there is a more valuable asset that a new e-entrepreneur can have than a good and capable mentor. Someone who has already made all of the mistakes can help you to avoid making all of the mistakes yourself. They have the wisdom that comes from experience to point out pitfalls and to help direct you toward the better of choices.
Why, you ask, would anyone who has it made want to take their time to help a newbie succeed?
Maybe I can answer that by telling you about my friend who is an accomplished musician. He played with some of the biggest stars in the business. He is a very, very fine guitarist who is now in his 70’s. He has about three young guitarists that he spends many hours not only teaching
how to play but counseling them on career choices. I asked him why he spent so much time doing that and he said, “It is like gaining immortality. If I teach them and they teach others, then what I know lives forever.” Successful internet marketers want that ‘immortality’ as well. The ones who are the very most successful are the ones, amazingly enough, who are the most likely to mentor an up and coming e-entrepreneur. Of course, these successful internet marketers are not going to be interested in wasting their time on a person who has not already worked hard to lay those first three corner stones themselves. These potential mentors are looking for new comers who show that they have a right and healthy mindset, who are working hard at leveraging and who are wellaware of how important it is to know all the players and the RIGHT people. It short, the new comer most likely to get a mentor is one who is already working hard and helping himself and not looking for someone who can just smooth the way for him.

The Key to Continuous Growth and Expansion

Grow or die! This is one of the laws of nature that applies to all living things. All business lives by this law as well. A business cannot begin, grow to a certain point and then simply remain at that point and continue to thrive. Growth and expansion are necessary for the business to survive and if that growth and expansion do not happen then the business will fade and die or crash and burn. Growth and expansion of business must be controlled by the business owners or managers. If growth is too slow, the business lags behind the competition. If growth is too fast, the business can easily become over extended.
A steady controlled growth is the ideal. Of course, the ideal and the reality are sometimes two very different things. Sometimes the terms ‘growth and expansion’ are a bit misunderstood. The most obvious meaning of both terms is to get bigger and broader but those meanings are not the only ones that apply.
Growth, for example, can mean gaining knowledge and becoming wiser and expansion can mean broadening the knowledge base from which a company operates. A small internet based company does not have to grow and expand until it becomes a giant multi-national company in order to survive but the owners and managers of these internet businesses do have to grow by getting smarter and expand by welcoming change with open arms. Nothing ever just stays the same. Change is the only certainty in the world. What was hot or what worked yesterday is old news today and it will be ancient history tomorrow.
Companies and company owners and managers must grow with and adapt to changes as they happen and on the internet changes happen a lot faster than they do out in the brick and mortar world. We all agree that growing, adapting and expanding is vital to the survival of any business and maybe especially to Internet business.
So the question is: What is the key to growth and expansion of internet based businesses?
When brick and mortar businesses grow and expand, they build bigger buildings and hire more employees but that isn’t exactly an option for an internet based business.
The key to growth and expansion of an internet based business is for the business owner or manager to always and continuously invest in them. They must be willing to stay on the cutting edge of technology and they must be willing to accept and adapt to changes as they occur. Internet businesses are not buildings. Internet businesses are people. An internet business cannot grow by investing in a larger building. It only grows when the person who is driving that business invests in his or her own knowledge and ability. An internet business cannot expand by investing in hiring more people. An internet business expands when the person who is driving it invests in himself or herself.
The bottom line is this: The key to continuous growth and expansion of an internet based business is continuous investments being made in the owner or manager of the business. The short answer: Invest in yourself.

Invest in Yourself

You have no doubt heard this refrain many times.
“Invest in yourself! Invest in yourself! Invest is yourself!” But what does ‘invest in yourself mean’? Does it mean you should go out and invest in a haircut that costs two hundred bucks? Does it mean that you should go by yourself a designer suit? What does it mean to invest in yourself?
Well, if you can afford it, go get that haircut and buy that designer suit but that is not the kind of investment that we are talking about here. Your internet business is just you, your computer and your internet connection and you could actually operate your internet business from any commuter on the planet that had an internet connection. So basically, your business is really only you. Your business is based only upon your own knowledge and your own ability. Those are the ‘company’ assets and those are the ones that need to grow and expand constantly so that your internet business thrives.
Here is a rule that you might want to live by to insure that your internet business is a success and continues to be a success: Invest 5% of your time and income into improving your self. Expansion and growth are imperative to survival and expansion and growth of an internet business means expanding and growing the knowledge of the person running the company...that would be YOU.
A tiny investment of only 5% of your time and your income per year in yourself can mean that you will continue to see positive monetary returns for many, many years to come. You might be sitting there shaking your head and still wondering what is meant by a 5% time and income investment per year in yourself. What is meant is that you must expand your knowledge. You must stay on top of new technological advancements and you must expand your knowledge base about your own area of expertise. Things change fast. New information becomes available on almost everything under the sun every day of the week.
It is very, very easy to fall behind very, very quickly. And unless you consciously put forth the effort to stay on top of things you will most certainly fall behind. Keeping up is easier than catching up and if you keep up, you can usually find a way to forge ahead. Yes, you are so busy right now that you could use 48 hour days but taking just about one hour per day out of the 24 that you are allotted and only $5 out of every hundred dollars that you earn and investing that time and money in yourself can increase your future earnings a hundred fold. There are newsletters, webinars, teleseminars and real brick and mortar seminars that can provide information and cause your knowledge to grow and expand so that your business can also grow and expand but you must be willing to invest in yourself so that you can take advantage of this information...learn it...and apply it to your own internet business.

Self-Investment Tips that Really Work

It is absolutely true that time is the one commodity that most internet entrepreneurs have a very, very short supply of. Still there are ways to use time that would otherwise be of no value to invest in yourself. Here are a few tips that might help:
  • Use travel time to invest in yourself. By using your iPod or your MP3 player you can use your travel time to expand your knowledge.
  • Set your clock for a half hour earlier and use that time to read and learn.
  • After you stop working in the evening, use your computer to search for new information and ideas. Of course there are some things that are just going to take your time but you can choose wisely.
  • Attend webinars and teleseminars that are directly related to your niche or your business.
  • Attend real world seminars that are closer to your home and will require less travel time but will provide you with the information that you need.

Resist the Urge of Staying in the Comfort Zone

We all have a comfort zone and all of us are very fond of our personal comfort zone. It is very, very tempting to just stick with doing the things that we have always done and doing them in the same way we have always done them. However, staying in your comfort zone and refusing to expand your mind and your horizons can cause you and your internet business to fail. There is an old saying (probably made up by someone who was afraid of trying new things) that says, “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” Well, ‘it’ doesn’t have to be broken in order to be improved upon whatever ‘it’ is. Candle light wasn’t broken but we are all glad that electricity was harnessed. Electric light is still light but it is certainly a big improvement over candle light. New ideas come along every day in the world of internet business. Some of those ideas are even good ones even if they do reside outside of our own personal comfort zone.
In order to continue to invest in yourself, you must be willing to leave your own comfort zone. Just because what has worked is still working it doesn’t mean that there are not newer, better and more efficient ways of doing things. Nobody is saying that new is always better. New is not always better but sometimes it is and the only way to tell which is which is by investigating new
ideas yourself and then adapting the ones that can help you to your business. Invest in yourself by increasing your knowledge and don’t be afraid of trying new things and new ways of doing things. These things really are the secrets of success and not just in the world of internet business but in life itself.

The Razor Edge Difference Between Work and Deals

Just about every internet marketer that I have ever known has worked at some kind of job other than internet marketing before they launched their internet marketing careers. It is a funny thing about working at a job that pays you for the work that you do. You get into a ‘work-equals- money’ mindset. After all, when you work for others, work does, in fact, equal money. But when you launch an internet marketing career the ‘work’ that used to make money for you now prevents you from making money. It is true. The ‘work’ that you are doing that you once got paid to do, like answering the telephone, answering emails, filing papers, etc. is actually preventing you from making the deals that will put money in your pocket. Yet we continue to seek work because we are programmed to think of work as the thing that makes money. We get stuck in the ‘work-equals-money’ mindset that is actually counterproductive to building a successful internet marketing business.
We focus our time and energy on finding work for ourselves rather than on focusing our time and energy on making the deals that will really make money for us. It isn’t hard to see why we get into this ‘work-equals-money’ mindset. We have been living with that concept since we were kids.
Think about it. What was your first job? Did you cut grass for a neighbor? Didn’t you get money after you had done the work? Of course, you did. He wasn’t paying you to think...he was paying you to cut grass. When you got older and got a job at the local burger joint, you got paid for cooking hamburgers and French Fries. You cooked the hamburgers and fries and then you got paid. Word did in fact equal money.
The owner of the hamburger joint wasn’t paying you to find a better way to cook hamburgers or paying you to look for a new market to sell hamburgers. He was only paying you for doing the work of cooking the hamburgers. But now you are not getting paid for doing the ‘work’. The work isn’t what is making money for you. It is true that the work must still be done but you don’t have to look for it. It will find you. What you need to be looking for now are the deals that will make you money.

What Constitutes Work?

What is ‘work’? The ‘work’ that makes any business work is just the day to day activities that must be accomplished in order for the business to function. Telephone calls must be answered. Emails must be read and responded to. Files must be kept orderly. The list goes on and on but this is just ‘work’.
Nobody is going to pay you to answer the phone, read emails or keep files in order. That is simply ‘work’ that must be done. It isn’t making you any money and it most certainly is not what you should be focused upon. Once an internet marketing business has gotten up and running, it is a very good investment to simply pay a virtual assistant to do the ‘work’ and set yourself free to make the deals that actually make you money and make your internet marketing business thrive. You can’t do this right away, of course, but you can use as little of your time as possible on mundane tasks. You can spend hours and hours and hours of your time working on your website....making it better...tweaking this and tweaking that. That is work that is not putting a single red cent into your bank account.
Hire a techie to do that ‘work’ for you while you are making deals that make more than enough to pay the techie. Until you can hire someone to do this work for you, get it fixed as best you can
and move on the productive deal making.
How many hours are you spending each day writing and making posts to your blogs? Is this time actually making any money for you?
No, of course, it isn’t. It is just ‘work’. It is work that others could do just as well or work that you can find ways to make shorter like by using PLR materials rather than writing every word yourself.
Customer service is absolutely vital work that must be done. It must be done quickly and efficiently and above all competently. It might even be work that in the beginning at least that you must do yourself. There are however companies and individuals out there in cyber space that are perfectly capable of handling this work for you and you don’t have to make it harder than it needs to be.

What Constitutes Making Deals?

Yes, it is absolutely true that the ‘work’ must be done, but the work that must be done should be done as quickly and as efficiently as possible and you shouldn’t concentrate your energy on finding and creating more work that isn’t going to making any money for you. You need to be focusing your attention on making the deals that will make money.
Just as soon as you possibly can, you should begin to hire people to do the mundane tasks that must be accomplished and free up as much of your own time as possible for deal making.
So what exactly are the activities that constitute deal making? Briefly and concisely they are the activities that have the potential for putting money into your bank account. A few of these activities are:
  1. Visiting forums and blogs that relate to your niche: Forums and blogs are where you find the real living, breathing people who are YOUR potential customers and until somebody drags out their credit card, puts in their information and actually buys products or services from you, you haven’t made a dime so you need to go where the people are and find out how to best serve their wants and needs.
  2. Visit websites that are related to your website. This is where you will find your potential joint venture partners. Contact the webmasters and work on making mutually profitable deals.
  3. Start your own newsletter or E-zine: This is one of the most potentially profitable deals that you can make for yourself. The longer your list grows, the more profits you can make.
  4. Attend seminars in the brick and mortar world and build good solid business relationships with others in your field. Here again are potential joint venture partners that you need to take the time to cultivate.
  5. Put together your own webinar or teleseminar: Find interesting speakers who would supply information of interest to your list. Webinars and teleseminars are both easy and inexpensive to do and are both money making deals that you can make.

Does this Mean We Should Ditch Work And Focus On Entirely Deals Only?

It would really be nice if we could just ditch the work-a-day-work and do nothing with our time other than make the deals that make us money! Now that would bewhat I would call a perfect world.
Unfortunately, the work-a-day-work must be done and until our ‘ship comes in’ we are probably going to be the ones who have to do that as well as make the deals that make us money. As long as we are going to have to do both we can at least learn how to work smarter. We can learn how to get the same amount of ‘work’ accomplished in less time so that we can free up more time for making the deals that will make us money.
Some examples of working smarter are:
  1. Write a FAQ page for your website and use your autoresponder to direct most questions to that site.
  2. Subscribe to a Private Label Rights (PLR) membership website and use that material (with only a little rewrite) as your blog posts and your website content. You can even make whole new products that can be sold from this PLR material.
  3. Make a schedule for yourself that allows only so much time for the tasks that must be completed that make you no money and allow more time in that schedule for the deal making tasks that will make you money.
  4. Invest in automation software that is designed to take care of simple every day but time consuming tasks.
There is always the ‘work’ that must be done each and every day but don’t let it become the object of your focus. Don’t look for work to be done. Work no longer equals money for you now that you are an internet marketer. Get the work done as quickly as you can and put your focus on the deal making activities that will add to your bottom line. It is no longer your job just to make hamburgers...now you need to get out there and look for new markets. You ARE getting paid to think now.

It’s Your Call Now: Take Action!

The success (or failure) of your Internet Entrepreneurship really is up to you now. If you succeed, the credit will all belong to you and if you fail, you will own that as well. Your success or failure is in your own hands. Success and failure are two sides of the same coin. The coin in question is your own Internet Entrepreneurship and you don’t want to flip that coin into the air and leave it to chance as to whether it lands on success or failure.
You want complete control over the fate of your Internet business and you do have that control. Every decision will be yours to make. If you make wise choices then you will claim victory and success will be yours. If you make unwise choices then your internet business will crash and burn and your own hopes and dreams will go up in flames along with it.

Beating the Odds

You do realize, of course, that the odds for success are not in your favor. Every day thousands and thousands of internet business enterprises are launched. Of those internet businesses that will be launched today, 90% (ninety percent) will not be around in 120 days. That is right! You have no better than a 10% chance of actually making a success out of your internet business unless you can change them those are not very good odds. If it were a horse race, winning would be considered a long shot.
That is the down side but anytime there is a down side there is always an up side. The upside in this case is that even though you have only a 10% chance at succeeding, you can greatly better your odds by simply following the guidelines that have already been offered. You can increase your odds from 10% to 90% by simply applying a few very simple principles to the problem. The reasons that so many new Internet entrepreneurs fail within the first 120 days can be narrowed down to four.
  1. They do not have the right mindset.
  2. They do not lay a solid foundation.
  3. They do not have the key to unlock growth and expansion.
  4. They do not plan for success

The Right Mindset for Success

Unfortunately, so many people think that they can quit their jobs, open an internet business and just relax and enjoy life. They expect instant success and instant wealth without having to invest anything (even time and effort) to affect that success. They really believe that they can sleep until noon, work when and if they want to and just rack up sales and profit. This attitude probably accounts for at least half of all of the failures of new internet businesses. Making an internet business successful takes a lot of time and even more work. That old real world job demanded that you be on the job for probably 40 hours each week. Your net internet business will need about twice that many hours each week if it is to become successful. Very, very, very few people are willing to invest that much time and effort thus the 90% failure rate. Of the few that are willing to put in enough time and effort most expect instant success.
They don’t even consider the fact that they will need to continue to meet their own personal expenses for many months before they see the first penny of profit from a new internet business even though those facts are readily available. These are the ones who go out there looking for get-rich-quick schemes and end up becoming victims of internet scam artists.
The right mindset is this: You must expect to work hard. You must expect to work long and tedious hours. You will not be an over-night success. People are not going to line up to give you their money. You are going to have to earn it.

Laying a Sound Foundation

Sometimes people will start an internet business that has no business background at all. This is another reason for the high failure rate of new internet entrepreneurships.
If you do not have an education in business, then you would be very wise indeed to speak with those who are well versed in business.
An internet business of any kind is a BUSINESS. It must be run like a business and it must be build upon sound business practices. The only ‘dumb’ questions are those that are never asked.
You need information and the best way there is to get the information that you need is to simply ask questions of those who have the answers.
There are courses available both out in the brick and mortar world as well as on the internet about how to set up and run a successful business.
You can’t abide by the rules if you don’t know what the rules are. Do your homework before you launch you business.
You need to lay a rock solid foundation so that your new business doesn’t become one of the casualties that are caused by poor planning or even no planning. You need a business plan.
You need a business model and it needs to be one that you can understand and follow. Jumping in and hoping for the best isn’t a plan. That will only insure that your new internet business will not still be in existence four months from now.

Unlocking Growth and Expansion

Nothing in this world ever stays the same. The only absolute certainty is change.
Internet business is not an exception to this rule. As a matter of fact, business on the internet changes faster than just about anything you can imagine.
Another reason that so many new internet businesses don’t survive for very long is that a new e-entrepreneur will start a business based upon one single idea and never grow or expand beyond that single idea.
These people have what I sometimes call ‘tunnel vision’. They don’t look around at the internet business landscape and make the necessary changes that keep them visible and a player in the market place.
Internet businesses themselves will naturally grow and expand if the owner or manager of the business grows and expands his knowledge and is willing to adapt to the inevitable changes that take place on a daily basis in Internet business.
It is simply good business to invest a minimum of 5% of your time and your income back into yourself. You ARE your business.
I’ve heard the term ‘continuing education’ tossed about like it was a choice to be made.
Continuing education is not a choice if a business is to be successful. The 10% of new internet businesses that will still be around after the next 120 days will be owned or managed by people who are constantly learning new things and applying those new things to the internet businesses that they operate.
They attend real world seminars. They attend teleseminars and webinars. They read multiple newsletters every single day.
They learn...they grow....they adapt....they succeed. That is very easy to say but it is much harder to accomplish. However, those who do accomplish it will still be in business when most others are not.

Planning Success

There is an old saying that I quote very often. “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail!” I say it often because it is the single most important fact of success in a nutshell.
A plan for an internet business is just exactly like a road map that would be used for making a road trip.
It is a detailed plan of how to get from point A (starting an internet business) to point B (having a successful internet business) in the shortest possible time and without taking the scenic route.
Most of the time those who begin new internet businesses have been working at jobs for which they were paid a salary. They are in the ‘work equals money’ mindset and they bring that mindset into their internet businesses.
They will even spend their time searching for more ‘work’ to do rather than searching for ways in which to make money.
Unless the ‘work = money’ mindset can be quickly changed to ‘sales = money’ mindset, the business will certainly fail and fail very quickly.
One of the most important items that can be listed in a business plan is to ‘find a mentor’. You can have all of the details written down of exactly how you plan to succeed but if you can find a mentor that process can be cut in half.
Of course, it is very unlikely that you will find a mentor within the first 120 days of starting your new internet business but that item needs to always be in your mind as you make contacts and build business relationships.
Building and internet business is a very exciting undertaking but it is one that is fraught with obstacles. You can overcome the obstacles and succeed but don’t expect it to be easy or quick. It will be neither.

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2:42 AM | Posted in

Ad Blaster

Internet Marketing Video Training

Increase your Traffic

Article Submitter

Blog Blaster

Boost Website Traffic

Advanced Site Submitter

Internet Marketing for Beginners
Blogs and RSS revealed

Huge Keywordlist

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The ultimate collection of marketing tips

7 SEO Lessons

Maximum profits from minimum ads

Blogging power package

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Build a huge list

Forum secrets


Building a blog empire for profit

Email Marketing 2006

Write your own newsletter

Marketing For Real People

Will Email For Cash

The Good Stuff Nobody is Telling You

Craigslist Exposed - How To Profit From Craigslist

My List Profits

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4 Larry Dotson eBooks

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Traffic, Signup and Sales

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You Can Download all of above absolutely free, just visit www.taketheinternetback.com

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9:45 AM | Posted in

Forex custom indicators is indicator that already optimized to get a maximum result in forex trading .You can find many forex custom indicators and Expert Advisor based on meta trader 4 platform here and also you can access to my indicators rank to see which one is the best indicator voted by user , available in top download and top rank statistical overview .You can mix all indicators available to get better result in trading and perhaps you can makeyour own proven forex system.

Free Forex Indicators A

Free Forex Indicators B

Free Forex Indicators C

Free Forex Indicators D

Free Forex Indicators E

Free Forex Indicators F

Free Forex Indicators G

Free Forex Indicators H

Free Forex Indicators I

Free Forex Indicators J

Free Forex Indicators K

Free Forex Indicators L

Free Forex Indicators M

Free Forex Indicators N

Free Forex Indicators O

Free Forex Indicators P

Free Forex Indicators R

Free Forex Indicators S

Free Forex Indicators T

Free Forex Indicators U

Free Forex Indicators V

Free Forex Indicators W

Free Forex Indicators X

Free Forex Indicators Z

MT4 Templates

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8:33 AM | Posted in

Ziddu.com is 100% Free File Hosting service which is fast and easy. Ziddu.com users have no limitations or barriers for the usage, as a user can host everything right from images, videos, audio to document files. All this is a click away.

Ziddu in Multiple Languages
Now Ziddu is more personalized or we prefer calling it more customized for our users, as it comes in Five different Languages like English, Spanish, Thai, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional).

Make Friends
Ziddu.com has come up with a total new option, where users can search & make friends. Any uploaded file can now be shared with your friends, just give your friend's email id and Ziddu will send them the file for you.

Upload & Download
Anyway, Ziddu let's you upload *any type of file* you'd like and they even give you a download link you can share with friends and family. You can put the items on web-pages and more! At first glance, the site is very simple, but it's pretty easy to navigate.

*I am still testing. So far, I've been able to upload pics and mp3s.

Not only can you upload and download files for free, you can even view any file that's upload with Ziddu online. I have a cable connection, and it doesn't take long for the files to upload individually. It depends, of course, on how large the file is. I still haven't been able to figure out how to upload multiple files at once, although the site says you can. I'm not sure if it has to do with the fact that I'm using Firefox and not IE.

One thing that's kind of annoying is you get emails every time you've uploaded a file to Ziddu. I haven't seen a way yet to fix this in the My Accounts section or anywhere else...maybe an upgrade to come.

Create Photo, Audio and Video albums of your choice and as many as you want. Use them any time you want and as you want or share them with your friends.

Users can always Embed the total Album or any particular file in their Blogs or websites, as Ziddu gives you an Embed code for the files uploaded.

Here are the New Generation greetings, customize the favorite cards with your photos & text which will be completely your choice. Express your way, while you upload the files. Fun & Work is the new combination at Ziddu.com

All accounts with Ziddu are free to set up. What's neat is you can earn money by sharing your pics with others. It's not a lot per download or view, but has the potential to grow rapidly. Each time you share a file with someone, you get paid $0.001 cents. Once you've reached 10,000 downloads - or $10 - you can request a cash out. Now of course you can imagine it will take a while to get to $10. But if some of your friends and family sign up and start sharing files, you get a percentage of what they do.

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6:33 PM | Posted in

Discover How You Could Easily Earn FREE CASH Online in 100% Free Money ProgramsWithout Spending A Single Dime! - No Membership Fees Required Whatsoever - Made Possible By Simply Leveraging On The Power of Teamwork..."

We are excited to introduce to you a revolutionary FREE MONEY Team System that will exponentially increase your 100% FREE INCOME by utilizing the power of internet today.

If you have been looking for a smart and quick way to earn FREE daily cash online, this system will automatically let you earn much more than you could ever do it alone all by yourself!

The FREE MONEY Team System:
  • Does NOT Require ANY Advertising Cost At All
  • Is Ready For Use INSTANTLY With Absolutely NO Marketing Experience Or Computer Skills Needed
  • Provides An Exact Replica Of This Highly Profitable System For Your Entire Growing Downline To Use - All For FREE!
  • Explodes Your Traffic Credits In Top FREE Traffic Exchanges Available Today - Saving You LOTS Of Time And Effort!
  • Provides Various Lucrative 100% FREE Opportunities For You To Earn and MULTIPLY Your Income Hundred Times Over than You Could Ever Do It ALONE!
There are plenty of FREE cash waiting on the table for you. The question is, do you want to spend a small portion of your time online to collect all the FREE money available to you right into your bank account?

What Exactly Are 100% Free Money Programs?

100% Free Money Programs are programs that do not require any fees to join and earn as a member. You'll simply get paid daily for completing simple and quick online tasks such as visiting websites, reading emails, surfing online, viewing ads, completing free offers and participating in short surveys.

How Much Can I Earn?

There is no limit to how much you can earn from this system. The more effort you put into the system, the higher your earnings will be.

The FREE MONEY Team System will automatically keep track of your downlines for life and offer them the best performing 100% free money programs through your own referral ids, thereby generating more income for you from your team earnings as you will always have a ready team of like-minded free money earners behind you.

In addition, whenever the latest free money programs are introduced, your current downlines will be able to sign up under you, hence eliminating the need to restart promotion all over again for these new programs one by one! This is a HUGE savings of valuable TIME and EFFORT on your side!

You'll Earn Cash From Your Direct Earnings and Team Earnings

To illustrate, let's say you have 100 FREE MONEY Team members and all of them are under ONE free money program that pays $0.01 per site visit. In a typical day with 10 visits, you will earn:

$0.01 X 10 = $0.10 per day if you are doing it all alone.

However, with 100 team members under you, you will get 20% of your team earnings which amounts to:

20% of ($0.01 X 100) = $2.00 per day from your team!

Thus, in any given month, your total earnings from ONE program will be:

($0.10 X 30) + ($2.00 X 30) = $63.00 per month per program!

Imagine how much you will earn with more members in your team. Your income will certainly add up to significant amount of cash as you start earning not just from your own solo effort but also from your team's effort.

All you have to do is to build your team using the FREE MONEY Team System and collect the free cash available to you daily from these free money programs.

You'll Enjoy Unlimited FREE Income As Your Team Explodes in Size!

The sky is the limit when you and your team bring in even more new team members and participate in as many 100% free money programs found in the members' area as possible.

How Long Will it Take Me to Achieve a Profitable Size in My FREE MONEY Team?

Firstly, the FREE MONEY Team System is 100% FREE for everyone to join and use. All members will be able to earn more free money online than they can ever do it alone.

As you join this team, you are building your sponsor's team. As you and your downlines in turn bring in new members, these will in turn build your team as well as your sponsor's team. This unstoppable cycle goes on forever for infinite levels and everyone benefits from this process. The sooner you join the FREE MONEY Team, the faster your team will explode in size due to the viral nature of this system.

Secondly, all the money programs found in the members' area are 100% FREE to join and earn. This is a highly focused team that constantly seek legitimate ways to earn and maximize free income online in the shortest time.

Thirdly, there is a huge collection of 100% FREE advertising tools in the members' area to easily get endless free promotion and daily website traffic.

Lastly, our database keeps track of your free money programs' referral IDs and every person that is placed in your downline. You will receive credit for people in your downline and your/downline's site visitors that join any free money programs that you have registered.
  • Your direct downline (with all YOUR referral IDs) will be built for unlimited number of tiers
  • Your referral IDs will be also used in your direct downline's downlines, as long as all your referral IDs won't be replaced with other members referral IDs (Unlimited Flow-Through)

Thus, it's easy to see that it won't take long (ranging from only a few weeks to a few months) for you to have a profitable size of like-minded FREE MONEY Team members who are actively looking for various opportunities to earn 100% free money online!

"The FREE MONEY Team Offers You An Opportunity to Earn from Multiple Sources of 100% Free Income by Being In A Team that Works Together for theBenefit of Everyone!"


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5:48 PM | Posted in

It is not only an earner but you can also use it for paid advertising although there is no requierment to do so.

The concept is very simple and it is easy to do. They will send you up to a maximum of 10 emails a day to read. These emails have a link in them that you have to click on to confirm you have read the email and get credited for reading it. You can also log into your members area and read the emails there if you have trouble receiving them.

You select what types of emails you get by checking the boxes of the categories that interest you.
This is totally free to join and you do not have to pay anything. They place $10 in you’re your account as a starter.
Payout can be requested once you have reached $50 (or $55 for check Payouts).

Your accumulated points are counted based on the following.
For each email you read 1 point.
For each direct referral you get 3 points.
For each referral any of your direct referrals get you get 1 point.

The more points you accumulate the bigger your share of the earnings that are allocated to the members.

Take The Internet Back earns its income from people purchasing advertising that is sent out in the emails you read.
Your earnings are calculated based on the company’s earnings so it is variable.
The have a contract posted on their site, which you can print out to keep a copy of.

Now naturally when you first start you are not going to be making much as you need to build your points, however if you stick at it the more points you get the bigger your share of the money to be shared among the members.


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1:45 AM | Posted in

Getting referrals is a big part of how successful you are investing time in Paid-to-Click (PTC), Paid-to-Read (PTR), affiliate programs, or any other program where referrals have a direct impact on your income. Increasing the amount of referrals you have dramatically increases the amount of money you make.

This article will discuss some of the most popular ways of getting referrals and also give some examples where they apply. Each technique discussed is absolutely free to use.

Referral Exchange Sites

One of the best ways to get referrals is to use sites that specialize in referral exchange. These sites offer its users the ability to get referrals in return for signing-up as a referral to someone else.

The basic process works like this:
You sign-up at a referral site as a member much like any PTC site. After you are a member you must then acquire credits that you will use later on as an incentive to get your referrals. You start by looking for a PTC, GPT, etc you want to join and the credits being offered by other members. You sign up for one that interests you and receive the offered amount of credits. Now you are able to offer those credits to someone else to join as a referral under you for whatever PTC site you want.

These are the most popular referral sites:

1. Get Referrals

2. Star Referrals

3. Target Referrals

4. Simple Referrals

5. Program Referrals

Traffic Exchanges

Another way to get referrals is by using the advertising power of traffic exchanges. Traffic Exchanges are basically sites that offer its members the ability to advertise their links and banners for free after viewing other links and banners.

Here's how it works:
You sign-up as a member of a Traffic Exchange site. You then must view ads like you do for PTC sites, but instead of getting paid for your clicks, you are able to advertise your banners and links. Traffic exchanges usually offer some type of ratio for exchange. For instance, a site that offers 1:1 ratio means that you can get one click on your referral link or banner for every one click that you make.

Here's a list of the more popular Traffic Exchange Sites:

1. EasyHits4U

Popular 1:1 Traffic Exchange

2. Royal Surf

3. Traffic Syndicate 25

4. Traffic Splash

5. Traffic Era

Advertise in Forums
Putting your referral links in forums related to PTC sites is a great way to recruit potential members. Not only are you advertising your referral links to your prime targetted audience, but its also free.

To start, you should create a signature with your referral links. Some sites restrict you to three or four lines, but this is usually more then enough to get 12 to 15 referrals links. You could also use a banner instead, with just a few other referral links. After your signature is created, you will be advertising your referral link every time you make a post.

Most forums do not allow you to post referral links just anywhere in the forums. There is usually one designated topic such as "Advertise your site" to do your referral posting, so be careful before you just start adding it everywhere or your post will get deleted and maybe even worse yet your account. This is why is great to have your referral links in your signature because even though you are not allowed to post your referral links in some topics, your signature is allowed to have the referral links and will appear in every post.
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1:01 AM | Posted in

Getting started making money on the Internet with a paid-to-click site is simple and quick. It's free to get started and you can enjoy making money immediately. This guide is meant for beginner's who have never heard of or know very little about PTC sites in general.

The guide is written in a simple step-by-step process and also uses an example that you can follow to start making money right away.

Step 1: Create a new email account
It's good practice to get a separate account before becoming a member of a PTC site. This makes it easier to manage your emails by keeping things separate and helps to keep your main email accounts from getting junk mail. Most of the free email account providers have junk mail filtering. Check your junk mail settings to ensure you will get email from any PTC sites that you join. You can get your free email accounts at the Google, Yahoo, or MSN.

Step 2: Sign-up for a Paypal and AlertPay account
Getting paid by PTC sites is usually done via a payment processor such as Paypal or AlertPay. If you haven't heard of AlertPay, it works just like Paypal. Signing up with these payment processors does not require a credit card and is free. Great things about using payment processors are that it makes receiving payments quicker, keeps your PTC payments separate and you can use them to purchase other things online instead of using a credit card.

Step 3: Become a member at a PTC site
It's easy and simple to join a PTC site. Let's use an example below. If you follow along this example, you will actually make money by the end of this guide.

Click here to sign-up for a free account at Bux.to. Fill in the form with your username, password, email address, etc. When you have entered all your info make sure you type the correct security code on the last field shown just to the right of it. Then click submit. That's it! You have created your first PTC account.

Step 4: Start Making Money
After you have created your PTC account, you can begin to browse adds to make money. Typically you can expect to make $0.01 per click. Let's continue with our example at Bux.to.

Now that you have created your account, click on the login tab at the top and enter your userid and password that you created in step 3. Also remember to put in the 6 digit security code on the last field. Now that you have logged in to your account, let's begin making money!

Click on the Surf Ads tab on the top left of your screen. You will see all banners and websites available to you to click on and a counter showing the Current Ad Count. Beneath that you will see a list of categories ie "Computer & Internet". There will be banners under these categories. Click on the first banner under the category "Computer & Internet". You will be shown the website for the ad banner and you will see a timer counting down from 30. You must wait until that timer reaches zero. After it reaches zero you will see the word done with the blue check mark and you will have earned your first $0.01! As you visit each banner, it will get greyed out and force you to wait 24 hours before clicking them again.

On the left panel you can view your stats and see that you now have one Ad Viewed. You will also see your balance so far along with your Referrals and Referral visits. When you get yourself established, these numbers will grow quickly. Normally there is between 10 and 20 ads you can surf in a 24 hour period as a basic member. Premium members are offered more banners to click, more money per a click and more money from their referral's clicks. While joining a PTC as a basic member is free, they offer premium memberships that have higher payouts but you must pay for this privilege.

Bux.to premium membership
Purchase 15 Members for $16.98
Purchase 35 Members for $34.95 and save 10%
Purchase 100 Members for $98.00 ($5.00 Cashback Bonus)

But don't rush into upgrading unless you are convinced that is the right site for you.

Step 5: Getting Paid
Many sites have thresholds that you must reach before you can cashout. It's usually around $10.oo to $15.00. Some sites have even lower thresholds like $2.00. Bux.to has a $5 minimum payout. You can always check your stats to see how much you have earned currently. To get paid at Bux.to, simply go to your account>>convert and select cash via AlertPay. That's it. "Money in the bank"!

Step 6: Get other members to join
The best way of increasing your earnings power is by recruiting new members. Not only can you make money on everything you click, but you get paid for every click your referral makes. This will increase your earnings dramatically. Let's look at an example using a very popular PTC site.

Let's say you are a member of Bux.to and you spend 15 minutes clicking ads:

You click 30 ads @ 0.01 =$0.30

Now suppose you recruited 10 members:

You click 30 ads @ 0.01 =$0.30
10 members click 30 ads @ $0.01 = $3.00
Total of $3.30

Not bad for 15 minutes and only having 10 referrals.

Realistically speaking, if you get 10 referrals a month in as little as 5 months you could be making over a $1.00/minute or $60/hr

You click 30 ads @ 0.01 = $0.30
50 members click 30 ads @ $0.01 = $15.00
Total of $15.30 in 15 minutes

And this scenario assumes you are a member of only one PTC site.

A list of all your referrals are found in the referral section or some call them downline. Some sites even have multiple levels of referrals, which makes your earning potential even greater. You are also provided with tools to help you get new members or referrals. These include banners, splash pages, and links that can get you referrals. Many sites such as Bux.to will even sell you referrals instantly giving you a downline to make money for you. Yet other PTC sites like Neobux will actually rent you referrals.

Step 7: Join More PTC Sites
Recommended PTC sites
These sites are well established and have been verified to payout cash. These are favorites of many PTC surfers.
  • JillsClickCorner (minimum payout $0.1 via e-gold, $1 via paypal, $1.01 via alertpay)
  • no-minimum (payout via e-gold)
  • bux.to (minimum payout $10 ke alertpay)
  • DonkeyMails (no minimum payout via e-gold)
  • PTCash (minimum payout $5 via alertpay)
  • extra10 (minimum payout $10 via alertpay)
  • buxvisit (minimum payout $5 via alertpay)
  • Isabelmarco (minimum payout $9 via alertpay or paypal)
  • ClixMX (minimum payout $10 via alertpay)
  • IncomeBux (minimum payout $1 via alertpay, moneybooker, e-gold, or liberty reserve)
  • Fullbux (minimum payout $15 via alertpay, $0.015 per click)
  • GoodBux (minimum payout $5 via alertpay, $ 0.01 per click)
  • Bux-it (minimum payout $10 via e-gold, $0.01 per click)
  • TakeTheGlobe (minimum payout $10 via paypal)
  • FoxCash (minimum payout $10 via alertpay, $0.01 per click)
  • WordLinx (minimum payout $10)
  • international offers (minimum payout $1 ke paypal or $0.1 ke e-gold)
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8:10 PM | Posted in

Masterforex Brokerage was founded on October 2, 2006. The project www.masterforex.org, comprising professional traders and talented analysts, was created in 2003.

The owner of MasterForex trademark is the company Beaverhead Financial Inc., registered in the Repupblic of Seychelles on the basis of the International Business Companies Act, 1994 (Act 24 of 1994). The company registration number is 028996. Legal address: 306 Victoria House, Victoria, Mahe, Seychells.

The Masterforex trade mark is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office with number 78/886380.

The work guidelines of Masterforex dealing center are:

  • Honest and open relationships with customers;
  • Experience and qualification of the company managers;
  • Striving to provide traders with the best service conditions.
Main activities of the company:
  • Services of customer access to world financial exchange, futures, precious metals and contract for difference markets;
  • Management of financial assets of major private customers (investment fund for a closed circle of customers).
Masterforex advantages:
  • Minimum deposit 1$
  • Forex, CFD, Futures
  • Islamic accounts
  • Instant Execution
  • Spreads from 2 pips
  • Trading terminal for PDAs and Smartphones
  • Leverage up to 1:500
  • Most comfortable ways of account deposit/withdrawal
  • The best partners conditions on the market
  • 24/5 online customer support
For operation at the Forex currency market we provide our customers with one of the most quality and convenient trading terminals — Metatrader 4. Metatrader 4 will allow you to operate at the Forex market, flexibly control your trading activity and carry out market analysis.

Metatrader 4 means:
  • Full control of your trading account
  • Maximum fastest request execution
  • Ability to hold offsetting positions
  • Advanced technical analysis tools
  • Different order execution technologies
  • Fast acquisition of news information
  • Ability to computerize your trading strategies
  • Integrated e-mail
Masterforex Promotions
  • Get $100 Bonus if you makes closed transactions 10 lots or more within one calendar month.
  • Make REAL money from your DEMO account EVERY week!!! and get 100$ bonus
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7:40 PM | Posted in

Being new to FOREX trading? Don’t worry, getting started in FOREX trading is easy and you can always test your skills first in a demo account before you go ‘live’ with real money.
To get started in FOREX trading, we have to get to know what FOREX is. FOREX trading involves buying and selling the different currencies of the world. Buying one currency and selling another at the same time make a FOREX deal.

FOREX market is the largest trading market in the world. It yields an average turnover of $1.9 trillion daily and the figure is nearly 30 times larger than the total volume of equity trades in United States.

Starting in FOREX trading

To start trading on FOREX, one must first learn how to read FOREX quotes. Foreign exchange quotes are always listed in pairs (e.g. USD/JPY 109.2): the first listed currency is known as the base currency with a constant value of 1 unit; while the currency listed in the second is known as counter. In our given example, USD/JPY 109.2 means a dollar of United States Dollar is equal to 109.2 Japanese Yen. In other words, the quote shows the relative value of one currency compare to the other. It means the value USD had been increased when USD/JPY quote goes up

However, a two-sided quote (e.g. EUR/USD 1.2435/1.2440) consisting of a 'bid' and ‘ask’ is often seen. The ‘bid’ price is the price at which you can sell the base currency; while the ‘ask’ price is where you can buy the base currency. The different of ‘bid & ask’ price is commonly known as ‘spread’. In the example of EUR/USD 1.2435/1.2440, this means you can buy 1 Euro Dollar with 1.2440 USD or sell 1 Euro 1.2435. Currency brokers make their profit through these differences of ‘bid & ask’ price and this is how they manage to provide their services to individual investors without charging them commission fees.

If you are new to trading it makes sense to deal in the more popular currencies. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly you do not want to be left with a currency where there is little interest and you may have difficulty selling. Secondly the spread between the bid/ask prices is likely to be narrower, making it easier to make a profit.

Major currency traded in FOREX market

There are seven major currencies, the US dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Japanese yen (JPY) British pound (GBP), Swiss Franc (CHF) Canadian dollar (CAD) and Australian dollar (AUD). The US dollar is the most traded currency followed by the Euro and the Yen. The Euro is the relatively new currency of the European Union although some member states, including the UK, have not changed their currency. Also, if you live in a country using one of the major currencies, when you first start trading it makes sense to begin with that currency. Not only are you familiar and comfortable with the currency, but you are in a better position to judge its strength. The internet has a wealth of information on the financial climate of a country, but if you live there you have access to all newspaper content, as well being in the unique position of experiencing first hand changes at the consumer level.

Reading a Forex Quote Understanding the Jargon

One of the biggest sources of confusion for those new to the currency market is the standard for quoting currencies. In this section, we'll go over currency quotations and how they work in currency pair trades.

Reading a Quote
When a currency is quoted, it is done in relation to another currency, so that the value of one is reflected through the value of another. Therefore, if you are trying to determine the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar (USD) and the Japanese yen (JPY), the forex quote would look like this:

USD/JPY = 119.50

This is referred to as a currency pair. The currency to the left of the slash is the base currency, while the currency on the right is called the quote or counter currency. The base currency (in this case, the U.S. dollar) is always equal to one unit (in this case, US$1), and the quoted currency (in this case, the Japanese yen) is what that one base unit is equivalent to in the other currency. The quote means that US$1 = 119.50 Japanese yen. In other words, US$1 can buy 119.50 Japanese yen. The forex quote includes the currency abbreviations for the currencies in question.

Direct Currency Quote vs. Indirect Currency Quote
There are two ways to quote a currency pair, either directly or indirectly. A direct currencyquote is simply a currency pair in which the domestic currency is the base currency; while an indirect quote, is a currency pair where the domestic currency is the quoted currency. So if you were looking at the Canadian dollar as the domestic currency and U.S. dollar as the foreign currency, a direct quote would be CAD/USD, while an indirect quote would be USD/CAD. The direct quote varies the foreign currency, and the quoted, or domestic currency, remains fixed at one unit. In the indirect quote, on the other hand, the domestic currency is variable and the foreign currency is fixed at one unit.

For example, if Canada is the domestic currency, a direct quote would be 0.85 CAD/USD, which means with C$1, you can purchase US$0.85. The indirect quote for this would be the inverse (1/0.85), which is 1.18 USD/CAD and means that USD$1 will purchase C$1.18.

In the forex spot market, most currencies are traded against the U.S. dollar, and the U.S. dollar is frequently the base currency in the currency pair. In these cases, it is called a direct quote. This would apply to the above USD/JPY currency pair, which indicates that US$1 is equal to 119.50 Japanese yen.

However, not all currencies have the U.S. dollar as the base. The Queen's currencies - those currencies that historically have had a tie with Britain, such as the British pound, Australian Dollar and New Zealand dollar - are all quoted as the base currency against the U.S. dollar. The euro, which is relatively new, is quoted the same way as well. In these cases, the U.S. dollar is the counter currency, and the exchange rate is referred to as an indirect quote. This is why the EUR/USD quote is given as 1.25, for example, because it means that one euro is the equivalent of 1.25 U.S. dollars.

Most currency exchange rates are quoted out to four digits after the decimal place, with the exception of the Japanese yen (JPY), which is quoted out to two decimal places.

Cross Currency
When a currency quote is given without the U.S. dollar as one of its components, this is called a cross currency. The most common cross currency pairs are the EUR/GBP, EUR/CHF and EUR/JPY. These currency pairs expand the trading possibilities in the forex market, but it is important to note that they do not have as much of a following (for example, not as actively traded) as pairs that include the U.S. dollar, which also are called the majors. (For more on cross currency, see Make The Currency Cross Your Boss.)

Bid and Ask
As with most trading in the financial markets, when you are trading a currency pair there is a bid price (buy) and an ask price (sell). Again, these are in relation to the base currency. When buying a currency pair (going long), the ask price refers to the amount of quoted currency that has to be paid in order to buy one unit of the base currency, or how much the market will sell one unit of the base currency for in relation to the quoted currency.

The bid price is used when selling a currency pair (going short) and reflects how much of the quoted currency will be obtained when selling one unit of the base currency, or how much the market will pay for the quoted currency in relation to the base currency.

The quote before the slash is the bid price, and the two digits after the slash represent the ask price (only the last two digits of the full price are typically quoted). Note that the bid price is always smaller than the ask price. Let's look at an example:

USD/CAD = 1.2000/05
Bid = 1.2000
Ask= 1.2005

If you want to buy this currency pair, this means that you intend to buy the base currency and are therefore looking at the ask price to see how much (in Canadian dollars) the market will charge for U.S. dollars. According to the ask price, you can buy one U.S. dollar with 1.2005 Canadian dollars.

However, in order to sell this currency pair, or sell the base currency in exchange for the quoted currency, you would look at the bid price. It tells you that the market will buy US$1 base currency (you will be selling the market the base currency) for a price equivalent to 1.2000 Canadian dollars, which is the quoted currency.

Whichever currency is quoted first (the base currency) is always the one in which the transaction is being conducted. You either buy or sell the base currency. Depending on what currency you want to use to buy or sell the base with, you refer to the corresponding currency pair spot exchange rate to determine the price.

Spreads and Pips
The difference between the bid price and the ask price is called a spread. If we were to look at the following quote: EUR/USD = 1.2500/03, the spread would be 0.0003 or 3 pips, also known as points. Although these movements may seem insignificant, even the smallest point change can result in thousands of dollars being made or lost due to leverage. Again, this is one of the reasons that speculators are so attracted to the forex market; even the tiniest price movement can result in huge profit.

The pip is the smallest amount a price can move in any currency quote. In the case of the U.S. dollar, euro, British pound or Swiss franc, one pip would be 0.0001. With the Japanese yen, one pip would be 0.01, because this currency is quoted to two decimal places. So, in a forex quote of USD/CHF, the pip would be 0.0001 Swiss francs. Most currencies trade within a range of 100 to 150 pips a day.

Currency Pairs in the Forwards and Futures Markets
One of the key technical differences between the forex markets is the way currencies are quoted. In the forwards or futures markets, foreign exchange always is quoted against the U.S. dollar. This means that pricing is done in terms of how many U.S. dollars are needed to buy one unit of the other currency. Remember that in the spot market some currencies are quoted against the U.S. dollar, while for others, the U.S. dollar is being quoted against them. As such, the forwards/futures market and the spot market quotes will not always be parallel one another.

For example, in the spot market, the British pound is quoted against the U.S. dollar as GBP/USD. This is the same way it would be quoted in the forwards and futures markets. Thus, when the British pound strengthens against the U.S. dollar in the spot market, it will also rise in the forwards and futures markets.

On the other hand, when looking at the exchange rate for the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen, the former is quoted against the latter. In the spot market, the quote would be 115 for example, which means that one U.S. dollar would buy 115 Japanese yen. In the futures market, it would be quoted as (1/115) or .0087, which means that 1 Japanese yen would buy .0087 U.S. dollars. As such, a rise in the USD/JPY spot rate would equate to a decline in the JPY futures rate because the U.S. dollar would have strengthened against the Japanese yen and therefore one Japanese yen would buy less U.S. dollars.

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