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Getting referrals is a big part of how successful you are investing time in Paid-to-Click (PTC), Paid-to-Read (PTR), affiliate programs, or any other program where referrals have a direct impact on your income. Increasing the amount of referrals you have dramatically increases the amount of money you make.

This article will discuss some of the most popular ways of getting referrals and also give some examples where they apply. Each technique discussed is absolutely free to use.

Referral Exchange Sites

One of the best ways to get referrals is to use sites that specialize in referral exchange. These sites offer its users the ability to get referrals in return for signing-up as a referral to someone else.

The basic process works like this:
You sign-up at a referral site as a member much like any PTC site. After you are a member you must then acquire credits that you will use later on as an incentive to get your referrals. You start by looking for a PTC, GPT, etc you want to join and the credits being offered by other members. You sign up for one that interests you and receive the offered amount of credits. Now you are able to offer those credits to someone else to join as a referral under you for whatever PTC site you want.

These are the most popular referral sites:

1. Get Referrals

2. Star Referrals

3. Target Referrals

4. Simple Referrals

5. Program Referrals

Traffic Exchanges

Another way to get referrals is by using the advertising power of traffic exchanges. Traffic Exchanges are basically sites that offer its members the ability to advertise their links and banners for free after viewing other links and banners.

Here's how it works:
You sign-up as a member of a Traffic Exchange site. You then must view ads like you do for PTC sites, but instead of getting paid for your clicks, you are able to advertise your banners and links. Traffic exchanges usually offer some type of ratio for exchange. For instance, a site that offers 1:1 ratio means that you can get one click on your referral link or banner for every one click that you make.

Here's a list of the more popular Traffic Exchange Sites:

1. EasyHits4U

Popular 1:1 Traffic Exchange

2. Royal Surf

3. Traffic Syndicate 25

4. Traffic Splash

5. Traffic Era

Advertise in Forums
Putting your referral links in forums related to PTC sites is a great way to recruit potential members. Not only are you advertising your referral links to your prime targetted audience, but its also free.

To start, you should create a signature with your referral links. Some sites restrict you to three or four lines, but this is usually more then enough to get 12 to 15 referrals links. You could also use a banner instead, with just a few other referral links. After your signature is created, you will be advertising your referral link every time you make a post.

Most forums do not allow you to post referral links just anywhere in the forums. There is usually one designated topic such as "Advertise your site" to do your referral posting, so be careful before you just start adding it everywhere or your post will get deleted and maybe even worse yet your account. This is why is great to have your referral links in your signature because even though you are not allowed to post your referral links in some topics, your signature is allowed to have the referral links and will appear in every post.



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